Ever read copy that goes on and on and on with no clear point? What about copy that is full of typos?
It’s not a good look.
How you write for your business matters, as it’s often the first impression someone will have of what you do. Make sure your first impression counts.
In Part 1 we looked at how you can transform your copy by walking a mile in your customers’ shoes and using a few cheeky strategies to incorporate words that are authentic to you and your customer. In Part 2, we are looking at why you need to start saying more with less and how to make every word count, so your copy is clear and easy to read.
1. Waffles Are Yum For Dessert But Not In Your Copy
I’m a big fan of desserts, but when it comes to your copy, you need to cut the waffle.
Get everything you want to say out of your head and into a draft. Once you have your draft, along with your key message, it’s time to cull. Look for unnecessary words in your sentences and take them out. Use short and simple words so your copy reads well and is uncluttered.
It might surprise you to know that writing less is much harder than writing pages and pages of copy. American author, Mark Twain, understood this, saying, “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”
Being succinct requires you to know the point you are making, to express yourself clearly and persuasively and to make every word count. Writing well is a craft. You wouldn’t expect a painter to create a masterpiece in a few hours, so don’t expect to “nail” your copy in the first few drafts. Keep at it and you will get there.
Start saying more with less.
2. Say It Loud, Say It Clear
Once you have your final draft written (or close to it) read your copy aloud. When you read your work aloud you will start to see what sentences or paragraphs are too long, not coherent or simply not flowing well. You will begin to hear which sentences really rock and you can highlight those sentences in your copy to make them stand out.
3. In The Eye Of The Beholder
The more you work on your copy the more your brain gets used to the words and ideas. This familiarity means you can easily miss mistakes. Your brain won’t see some of the typos, spelling mistakes and grammar problems lurking in your copy.
Ask someone else to look over your work before you send it out. If you don’t have someone to look over your work, factor in enough time to give your work a day to “rest” and come back to it with fresh eyes the next day. I can guarantee you that you will find things that need to be edited, things you didn’t even see the day before.
Let me know how you go as you start to transform your copy. Join in the conversation over on The Spark Effect Facebook Page or on Instagram.
Stay tuned for Part 3 of my Transform Your Copy series. Get the next instalment delivered straight to your inbox (plus get a free copy of “15 Tips To Get Your Business Out There Without Spending Big Bucks!”). Jump on board below and join The Spark Effect crowd.